Apply to PBA


Apply to Personal Brand Accelerator

PBA is a 3-month program that will help you build your personal brand and post with confidence on social media. The course begins January 22, 2024. Space is highly-limited. If your application meets the requirements, our team will contact you to schedule an interview.

Frequently Asked Questions



  • Our program is designed to foster a learning environment that is both challenging and supportive, and we believe that the best way to achieve this is by bringing together a diverse group of individuals who possess a range of skills, perspectives, and experiences. We're looking for candidates who not only meet our basic requirements (watch the video above) but who are also passionate about their goals and aspirations, and who are committed to living authentically, both online and offline.

    An important characteristic we seek in our applicants is a genuine interest in the course. We want students who are excited about learning and who are eager to explore new ideas and perspectives, and who are willing to challenge themselves in order to grow and develop.

    Finally, we are particularly interested in candidates who are working on something creative or special, such as writing a book, starting a business, building a community, or pursuing some other passion or interest. We believe that individuals who are engaged in these types of endeavors are more likely to be motivated, focused, and committed to their goals, and we are excited to support and encourage their efforts.

  • Our program spans 12 weeks and is designed to be intensive, but also flexible. Every Monday at 7pm EST, we hold a "Symposium" where I teach the week's lesson. These sessions are recorded, so you have the option to attend the live session or watch them at your own pace. On Thursday evenings at 7pm EST, we have a "Breakout Call" where you and your peers will share your progress and receive feedback from the group. This is a chance for you to ask questions and get additional insights from your fellow learners.

    In addition to the live sessions, there is also some work to be completed between sessions. The amount of time required to complete this work will vary depending on the lesson, but we estimate that it will be a few hours per week. However, the time commitment can be tailored to your needs and preferences. If you want to delve deeper into a particular topic, you can spend more time on the assignments. Alternatively, if you are pressed for time, you can complete the work at a more relaxed pace. Regardless of your schedule, we are committed to helping you achieve your learning goals and will work with you to ensure that you get the most out of the program.

  • Breakout groups are an integral part of our program, designed to help students maximize their potential through individualized attention and support. Our process begins with a careful selection of group members based on their personality, interests, and goals, ensuring that each group consists of 4-5 students who will work well together and support each other throughout the program.

    Once the groups have been formed, each student is paired with their own PBA coach and accountability partner, who will provide them with personalized guidance and support throughout the program. This includes regular check-ins, feedback on their progress, and guidance on how to stay on track with their goals.

    Throughout the program, students will participate in a range of activities designed to help them develop their skills and achieve their goals. These may include workshops, group discussions, group coaching sessions, and more.

    At the end of the program, each student will have developed a clear plan for achieving their goals, and will have the skills and support they need to make it happen.

  • By the end of the course, students will have a clear understanding of their personal brand, defined core values, a personal brand story, a core message, and a visual identity. They will have developed their own website and optimized their social media profiles, learned how to create authentic content, and how to stay consistent with their posts over time. Additionally, they will have strategies for managing their personal brand over the long term.


Still have questions? Send us an email at